Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-mile Run Set for April 17
King of Prussia, Pa. -- The 6th Annual Revolutionary 5-mile Run, produced and sponsored by the Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau (VFCVB), will be held this year at Valley Forge National Historical Park on April 17.
The run, which drew a record 1,564 participants last year, benefits recreation preservation initiatives at Valley Forge National Historical Park and kicks off National Park Week. In its five-year history, runner registration fees and corporate sponsorships have contributed more than $119,000 for the cause.
"We expect another tremendous turn-out this year, affording our runners and our organization the opportunity to again deliver significantly toward maintaining the Park's appeal as a local recreation gem, while providing our visitors meaningful appreciation of its history and natural beauty." said VFCVB president Paul Decker.
The event comprises a 5-mile run stepping off at 8:30 a.m., 3-mile walk beginning at 8:35 a.m., youth fun run at 8:45 a.m., and a post-run family expo promoting fitness and healthy living.
New this year is the "Spirit of Valley Forge - Triumph over Adversity" award, recognizing a former race participant for whom the event represented personal triumph over a significant challenge, as did the soldiers who struggled through and survived the Continental Army's Valley Forge winter encampment of 1777-78. Guidelines for nominations and registration information are available at Nominations must be received by April 2, 2011.
To receive more information and to register for the run, visit To learn more about attractions, events and affordable overnight accommodations in the Valley Forge area, visit
The Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau, Ltd. is a nonprofit, membership-based sales and marketing organization that aggressively promotes the Valley Forge area and Montgomery County as a convention site and leisure visitor destination by encouraging patronage of its 500-plus member hotels, restaurants, attractions and services. The Bureau's website, at, serves visitors, meeting planners, tour operators and residents.
About Valley Forge National Historical Park
Forge National Historical Park educates present and future generations
of Americans about one of the most defining events in our nation's
history by preserving the natural and cultural resources that
commemorate the encampment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge in
1777-78. To learn more visit