Every town needs a great florist. 


After all, flowers are the perfect choice for so many different occasions. Or they can simply be a way to brighten your day. 


Penny’s Flowers in Glenside has a long history as one of the best florists in Montgomery County. 


How Penny’s Flowers bloomed


Penny’s Flowers has been family-run since 1937. In 2018, Penny’s Flowers merged with another family-run florist, Plaza Flowers, and Penny’s by Plaza Flowers was created.


Penny’s Flowers is known for the quality of their flowers, professional staff, and the smiles from loyal customers. Penny’s offers a wide variety of beautiful flowers, exotic plants, delicious fruit, gourmet baskets, and thoughtful gifts. At their website, customers can place online orders and arrange a time for arrangements to be delivered or picked up seven days a week. Penny’s Flowers delivers locally and also has nationwide delivery, so customers can send flowers to friends and family around the corner or across the country.


Penny’s Flowers has been ranked as a “Top Florist by three national wire services and has been voted as “Best Florist” by several regional publications.




A floral heaven in Glenside


Penny’s arrangements receive many compliments about their beauty, fragrance, freshness and longevity. They work with flower farms throughout the world to provide the best available blooms and a wide variety for customers and designers to choose from.


“Our staff loves to think outside of the box to create perfect original and stunning arrangements for all occasions,” said store manager Lissa Adorno. “The staff is dedicated to making each customer feel special. We pay attention to detail and perfect each gift that leaves our shop, even down to the wrapping. It’s always an honor when recipients let us know how special and perfect their flowers were for whatever the occasion.”


As one of the best places to live in Montgomery County, Penny’s Florist has become of a part of the family-oriented community of Glenside.


We especially love celebrating the holidays in Glenside,” said Adorno. “Each season brings so much joy and festivities in the area, whether it’s the trick-or-treating on Halloween or fireworks on the Fourth of July. Glenside is a safe and fun place to be!”


A perfect gift for any occasion


Penny’s provides flowers for all occasions and events. In addition to holidays like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, Penny’s is also a popular choice during prom season. They also design arrangements for corporate events, baby showers, parties, weddings and funerals. Adorno noted that many people like to include floral arrangements on their holiday tables and they are able to design the arrangements to reflect the holidays in terms of color and style.


“Also, many of our customers purchase flowers regularly for no event at all. Flowers are a total pick-me-up and we have repeat customers that just love buying flowers because it makes them feel good.”


There is the cliché “say it with flowers.” Why does Adorno believe flowers are the perfect gift? 


“Flowers are the perfect gift because they are beautiful, smell wonderful and can be customized to taste,” said Adorno. “Some people like bright colors and others like pastels, some people like tall and exotic arrangements while other people like baskets. Flowers are a great way to express emotion and there’s nothing we can’t say or do with them. Plus, people can’t help but smile when they see flowers and their first inclination is to smell. I can’t imagine a better gift!“


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