November 10 marks the anniversary of one of the most important television premiers in broadcast history: Sesame Street. In the 44 years since its 1969 debut, the residents of 123 Sesame Street - both flesh and fuzz - have helped generations of children.
In filling your calendar for this weekend, The Pursuit pays tribute to Gordon, Maria, Bob, Susan, Mr. Hooper, Ernie, Bert and all their neighbors.
Music was used extensively in Sesame Street. (Who can't sing the lyric "...can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street"?) Equally as memorable to Boomers was the music of Michael Nesmith and The Monkees ("Here we come... walkin' down the street..."). Nesmith was much more than a Monkee, however, with a songwriting career of 50 years for artists such as Linda Rondstadt. Nesmith is in concert at the Colonial Theater, November 8.
"Let's Go Driving" is a Sesame Street song that explained the sounds of a car: motor, horn, windshield wipers, etc. The cars on display at the Vintage Car Show on November 9 at Peter Wentz Farmstead have all those components, plus history. Walk the grounds and view the classic car collections of local Model A and Studebaker clubs. Tours of the historic house are also offered throughout the day.
Much of Sesame Street centered around play. Accomplice, the play at the Steel River Playhouse, finishes its run this weekend, November 9-10. Smart, witty, sexy, and inventive, Accomplice begins as a classic mystery but then begins to twist and turn. The surprises are so startling that after the curtain falls, audiences are asked to keep the details of this comedy-thriller to themselves.
The producers of the traveling show Sesame Street Live have staged an autism-friendly version of their show, appealing to parents in search of entertainment with an easier pace, toned-down theatrical effects and quiet spots in the theater. Autism awareness is also the focus of a first-ever event from the Exceptional Families of Exceptional Children organization at the Elmwood Park Zoo on November 9. Onsite will be more than 30 resource organizations to provide information, insight and assistance.
On April 1, 2009, Sesame Street ran a unique episode centering on children of Veterans. November 11 is Veterans Day, a period of great honors and distinction for the men and women who served in our nation's times of need. A list of Veterans Day activities throughout Montgomery County, Pa. - including the ceremonies at Valley Forge National Historical Park - are listed here.
The National Memorial Arch in Valley Forge National Historical Park
In the Sesame Street universe, the Furry Arms Hotel was located "around the corner" from the 123 stoop. Sherry Netherland, a well-mannered monster, ran the hotel, assisted by bellhop Benny Rabbit. Our list of top-notch hotels doesn't mention any proprietors who are monsters, but they're guaranteed to make you feel warm and fuzzy just the same.